
The European IDaaS
at the service of
business challenges

Memority : the Identity Factory which allows you to facilitate your user experience and protect your services by managing the access and digital identities of your employees, partners, customers and connected objects.

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of cyber incidents are directly or indirectly related to digital identity

(Source : Juniper Research)


increase in cyber attacks in 2022 in France

(Source : ANSSI)


of companies will be equipped with an IDaaS by 2027

(Source : Gartner)

Your challenges

  • Facilitate and personalize your users’ journeys
  • Secure cloud and on-premise services and applications
  • Accelerate the opening of the IS to your ecosystem
  • Unify your solutions and mutualize your resources
  • Ensure regulatory compliance
  • Increase the conversion rate of your prospects into customers


The Memority Identity Factory:
a single SaaS platform to manage identities and authorizations, authenticate and control access to all your services, whatever the use cases

Discover our offers

Our solution

The Memority Identity Factory: extensive functional and technical capabilities

Functionnal completeness

IGA, SSO/Federation, MFA
B2E, B2B, B2C, B2IoT

Innovative architecture

Cloud native, Multi-tenant,
Non intrusive


Process and identity model according to your needs
Customizable rights model
Multi-dimensional delegation

Proven performance

100 million identities per tenant
API oriented

Analysis capacity

Cross-functional identity, access and authentication analysis
Report catalog
Identity Cockpit

Qualification and
certification process

ISO27001 (Security Management)
ISO27701 (Compliance)

Discover our offers

mission is to:

  • Develop and enhance the Identity Factory Memority, a SaaS platform
  • Automate and democratize digital identity
  • Provide a French and European response to the challenges of digital identities

Make an appointment with a Memority expert