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News & innovation

Welcome to the Memority blog, dedicated to news and innovation:  a place to share news and best practices in identity management, and more broadly around issues such as cybersecurity, IT and the business world. Happy reading!

The Memority role model

Memority offers a powerful role model definition to manage delegated administration into Memority portal but also applications accesses, equipment and any other link between an identity and a resource.

Orphan accounts, the key to cyberattacks…

In 2021, a company managing the largest fuel pipeline in the United States suffered an attack that resulted in a severe gasoline shortage.

Digital identity: the new contract of trust

Today, almost everyone knows someone who had their personal e-mail account hacked, an iPad blocked or their identity stolen

Assises 2023 report

The 2023 edition of Assises came to a close this Friday, October 13 in Monaco. Months of preparation for three days of intense and exceptional meetings!

One tenant: multiple authentication methods

Memority provides a set of mechanisms for organizing and personalizing user authentication to federated applications, depending on their identity, the device and network they are using, and the application they wish to access.

Memority at Assises 2023

Come and meet us at the Assises. An expert workshop for our first edition!

Make Passwords Magic Again

Les mots de passe ont envahi nos vies quotidiennes. La notion même de mot de passe est devenue étouffante pour beaucoup, tant ils sont devenus nombreux et exigeants.

Memority Press Release

Memority’s historic founders finalize its acquisition from Accenture